Call for Papers

Please note that the call for papers has been closed since May 10.
Thank you for the numerous submissions this year.

The program committee is now starting to review the papers and will put together the complete program soon.

You can find a first presentation information under Program.

The international conference Safetronic holistically addresses the satety of road vehicles and all related aspects including but not limited to functional satety, SOTIF, cybersecurity, satety-in-use and others.

The conterence offers a rewarding exchange with experts or renowned companies and the excellent opportunity to connect with partners next to best practice reports and innovative approaches or leading OEMs and the supply industry.



10 May

Abstract submission is closed.

23 June

Notification of acceptance

27 October

Final presentation 


Best practices

1. Holistic safety approaches to handle the increasingly complex and connected systems

  • Strategies for operational safety and safety in use
  • New methods like model-based systems engineering and analysis, agile development
  • Integration and management of the various aspects of safety from different domains like E/E, mechanical and chemical (EV battery systems) safety, human factors, SOTIF etc.
  • Off-board aspects of safety like safety-related elements outside the vehicle such as backend, infrastructure, connectivity, communication and safety for cloud services such as maps or on road-side units
  • Safety & Security: interactions, contradictions, solutions

2. Application solutions with focus on Functional Safety, SOTIF for fail degraded systems

3. Safety of SW and HW

  • Analytic methods for safety and security of software, hardware and design
  • Safety for software systems (e.g. also for pure software products)
  • Use of pre-existing software including Free and Open Source Software in safety related systems, qualification of legacy SW
  • Safety considerations for hard-realtime embedded systems, including hardware accelerators

4. Developing FuSa and SOTIF for vehicles under the aspect of global markets

5. Safety analyses, e.g. hazard analyses and risk assessments, system, hardware, software, environmental protection, edge case situations

6. V&V definition of acceptance criteria and indicators for safety

7. Safety processes, e.g. incremental safety qualification for OTA; concrete implementation of normative requirements; handling of variability; accelerated development cycles, agile development, tailoring and argumentation

8. Risk assessment and management on organizational level

Innovative safety approaches

9. Automated driving & AI

  • Safety for neural networks / machine learning, like DNNs, reinforcement learning and validation (including insights from standardization work like ISO/PAS 8800, ISO/IEC TR 5469)
  • Safety for Automated Driving, Application of cybernetical approaches for perception, prediction and control

10. Ideas and concepts regarding ALKS – R157

11. SafeDevOps like continuous deployment and iterative development of safety concepts and mechanisms, e.g. when expanding the ODD

12. Safety for software defined vehicles

13. Dynamic safety management and safety architectures

14. Safe POSIX OS architecture and qualification approaches, e.g. SafeLinux

15. Digital twin for road traffic in the context of simulation and modeling