Safetronic 2022
Great hybrid conference
More than 130 experts from the field of holistic safety for road vehicles followed the program of the 21st Safetronic International Conference this year.
There were 12 presentations, a panel discussion on “Holistic safety – current safety approaches between standards and technologies” and one networking session per day to bring together online and on-site participants. Participants liked the quality and balance of the program.
The on-site participants enjoyed the opportunity for personal exchange in the Filderhalle.
Online participants followed the leading safety event for road vehicles via livestream on their computers.
The hybrid concept was again well received by the participants.
The focus was on innovative development approaches, handling software errors, reliable data processing and holistic safety concepts. The various industry players, e.g. from CARIAD, Infineon, Renault, Stellantis and Valeo were able to provide the participants with news and enrich the discussion with their presentations, both in presence and virtually. A highlight was the keynote from Mercedes-Benz on the safety challenges of the DRIVE PILOT, the world’s first true SAE Level 3 system.
The Safetronic conference is primarily attended by the automotive manufacturing and supplier, electrical/electronics, software development, mechanical engineering and research industries. The participants work in the departments of research & development, design / product development, quality management, software development and technical sales.
Since 2021, the Fraunhofer Institute for Cognitive Systems IKS has taken over the organization of the established industry event from Carl Hanser Verlag. For Prof. Dr. habil. Mario Trapp, Executive Director of Fraunhofer IKS, it is particularly important to ensure “the continuity of Safetronic”. And that in terms of presentation quality and also manufacturer independence.
The next date of the “Safetronic” for 2023 has already been set.
It will take place again in Filderhalle Stuttgart on November 15 and 16.

Pictures: Fraunhofer IKS / Günter E. Bergmann – Photography
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